Friday, November 26
Oh my word(s)
Posted by Caroline 1 comments
Thursday, November 25
Wednesday, November 24
I can't seem to think of a title for this post. I have a huge lump in my throat and I'm fighting back big tears. In all of this cholera stuff, I haven't spent much time with the kids in the Rescue Center and as I seem to do when I'm at home, I just kind of block it out (I'm sure you psych people would tell me it is a defense mechanism). And then two little boys quickly brought back that flood of emotions tonight. Maurency and Lesseo are very sick from what seems to be some GI bug other than cholera. Both have bad diarrhea and vomiting and are super dehydrated. To look at a very sick child who has overcome severe malnutrition and now is fighting this is so painful it hurts me in deep places. I look at these kids who are away from their parents and in the care of some great nannies and would give anything to take their pain from them. I would take it all on myself in a heartbeat. And they aren't even my children. I don't have kids yet and sure don't look forward to the day that my very own flesh and blood is in pain. It sounds cheesy and like Christian blah blah, but seriously it makes me realize how much our Abba Father loves us. It must be awful for him to watch us hurt, but to know He knows these pains, the pains of the dying kids, of heartbroken mothers and fathers, it comforts me. He took them all on himself so that one day, from then to eternity we will never know pain again.

Posted by Caroline 2 comments
Tuesday, November 23
Bullet points
- Moseline went home today, such an encouragement to see her happy and healthy!
Posted by Caroline 1 comments
Monday, November 22
Giant exhale.

"He will swallow up death forever.
The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears
from all faces;
he will remove his people’s disgrace
from all the earth.
The LORD has spoken.
9 In that day they will say,
“Surely this is our God;
we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the LORD, we trusted in him;
let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”
Isaiah 25:8-9
Posted by Caroline 6 comments
Sunday, November 21
Sunday re-cap
I came downstairs to use the computer and write a post about today but then Lori and I had to help a lady who delivered last night and has an very yucky tear. She has a bad infection and can't urinate. We gave her some Rocephin and cleaned her up and sent her home with a catheter. She'll come back for follow up over the next few days.
Posted by Caroline 1 comments
Saturday, November 20
This aint the Oregon Trail

Posted by Caroline 0 comments
Friday, November 19
I am here. This week was long and hard but it's over, and I'm here. Work and life and broken computers and no sleep took it's toll, but I feel an underlying sense of peace. Something like the peace that Paul describes. After a relatively smooth trip down, we flew into Port au Prince and 11 months later it's not any easier to see the scene here. A sea of blue tarps as far as I could see have been shelter for millions of displaced haitians. The lack of progress is frustrating.
we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the LORD, we trusted in him;
let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”
Posted by Caroline 2 comments