Monday, March 9

Birthday Weekend

I had a fantastic 22nd Birthday, filled with the most dessert I have ever consumed in my life! It was on Friday, but let's be honest, it stretched out over the whole weekend. It started Thursday night when my friend Priscilla had a party called "When I dip, you dip, we dip." Everyone brought different kinds of dips and yes we listened to that song multiple times. My sweet nursing friends (not friends who are breast feeding, but friends who are in nursing school with me) surprised me with a yummy red velvet cake!

On Friday, I had a lazy morning and caught up on the American Idol wildcard round (love me some Anoop dawg). Then my mom came in town and we went to lunch. It was a beautiful day, and since we had the dogs we went to Freddie's so we could sit outside. The pups behaved themselves so well! Have I ever told you that I think my dogs are the cutest things I have ever seen???

My mom also brought me a cake from a NW Houston favorite, RJ Goodies. A little slice of heaven. No joke. I believe there will be RJ Goodies in heaven. Like when you take a bite, everything in you is praising Jesus. Seriously.

The Fontenots sent me a hilarious cookie cake, that can't exactly be pictured here, but much thanks to Christina for being the one to pick it up. Friday night we went to Guero's on South Congress for some good ol' TEX-MEX and ritas. It was so fun and I am glad I got to spend time with some sweet friends that I usually don't get to see.

My whole house was empty so I slept so well, and was actually able to sleep in Saturday morning for the first time in a long time. That afternoon Christina, my cousins Lar Lar and Dede, Lar Lar's bf Damon and I went to Mandola's Winery for dinner and it was fabulous! It is out in the beautiful Hill Country and is a gorgeous setting for a yummy Italian dinner.

Sunday morning my parents drove in from the lake and came to church for a send-off prayer service for the Haiti trip, along with my cousins and other friends. It was so great to have y'all pray for us! We went to brunch downtown at Taverna, a place I have been wanting to try for a long time. It is in the 2nd street district and we got to sit outside so I almost felt like I was in Europe. I will definitely be going back to say the least.

Church was phenomenal last night. I am so thankful to go to a church where I am challenged beyond belief each week. I never walk out the doors the same as I walked in.

Ok this is getting long, so I'll stop here. This week is going to be crazy because I have lots going on with school and I leave for Haiti in 4 days!!!!!!

Love y'all


Anonymous said...

Who took that photo of your dogs? It's so great.
And I wish so badly that you could post the cookie cake, but you know, it's cool.

Priscilla Grace said...

yayaya birthday!!! i love that pretty cake from your mama. and i love your pretty face. and your pretty hugs. youre pretty. and pretty awesome. pretty.