Friday, February 6


This is one of my best friends Christina.

She called me today to tell me two blog-worthy things she saw as she was driving home to San Antonio. What is really blog-worthy is that Christina was driving home to see a doctor, who confirmed she does in fact have Shingles. Who gets Shingles??? Only my same friend who had Scarlet Fever our freshman year of college, and who has severe allergic reactions to peaches and blueberries. You wouldn't have survived long on my favorite childhood computer game the Oregon Trail, but I still love you friend! Pray for her, and that the shingles goes away soon!

(***Update: Caroline, one of my other best friends just informed me that she also had shingles. It's a good thing they have me the nurse!)

Today was great. I had lunch with Mackenzie and we caught up on life. Then, I spent several hours laying on a blanket in the park at The Triangle with nurse friends laughing at all our stories from nursing school. I really wish the weather would stay warm, springtime in Austin is always the best!