Saturday, July 18

Second Saturday

This is my second Saturday here! It's already going by so fast. Today we had a few exciting things come through the clinic involving motorcycle accidents and rock throwing. Juicy details to come tomorrow for all the medical people. God also gave us rain this afternoon which has cooled things down around here! PTL! I am really looking forward to church tomorrow morning and pray that you can connect with God tomorrow too. It's the only way I can make it through these days! Please continue to pray for the things listed below, I believe in a God who is capable of anything!

For those of you who have told me you only like the posts with pictures (ehem Karlie)...enjoy :)

Also, several of you have left comments on the blog with different questions, unfortunately I can't reply back through the comments so please leave me your email address or shoot me an email at and I'd be glad to answer anything!

Health Center of the Grace of the Good Samaritan